
The following are testimonials from clients personal experiences using CBD rich cannabis. Key health issues have been bolded to make it easier to reference as you scroll through.

“I find that the 4 to 1 capsules give me a sense of well-being and take away those pains associated with arthritis and just old age. I also find that I sleep better and wake more refreshed. I also have a more positive attitude to handle day to day events.” John

“After applying the Soothe cream in the evening on my back which is covered with psoriasis, I feel huge relief within minutes and am able to sleep better through the night. If I use it regularly the sores lessen & diminish. I’m very grateful to have discovered this cream!” Andy

“My experience has been a bit of a surprise. A good friend recommended I try the 20 mg (CBD rich) capsules to help with sleep and my overall health. I started with a weeks trial and did notice I slept pretty much through the night. There were no side effects that I noticed and I felt pretty good. When I increased the dose to two capsules, the biggest surprise was my blood pressure. I have been dealing with pre hypertension and sometimes hypertension for several years. My blood pressure is now slightly above normal and I’ve had readings below normal as well.” Dennis

“My mom ordered your Relax balm and was slathering it on anyone who needed some TLC. I tried it and LOVED IT!!  I had my period while visiting her and rubbed some on my belly – and it made my cramps go away! Impressive results!!” Tania

“I have variety of autoimmune issues that make my joints swollen and painful. The pain ranges between constant burning to intense stabbing. When I first tried the CBD it took a few weeks before I noticed a reduction in the nonstop burning joint pain. This discomfort is now gone! The stabbing pain has never gone away – it is not constant and much less disruptive to my life than the constant pain. The most immediate experience I noticed was that I was able to sleep! This is huge for me since I have had insomnia since my early twenties. Although I still struggle to fall asleep, once asleep I seldom wake. It was common for me to wake every hour – so a solid nights sleep without interruption is fantastic.

I was travelling for 5 weeks in February and March without the CBD and within 4 days the burning in my joints had returned and I was averaging three hours of sleep per night. I felt significantly better within a week after re-establishing my CBD routine. The dose that I take is quite low (1 or 2 capsules of 1:1 ratio CBD to THC) and yet I have experienced significant relief.” Cathy

“After 30 plus years of being chronically sleep deprived I decided to try cbd as a sleep aid. It’s been one year now taking cbd and most often I sleep right through the night. My husband decided to take cbd as well as he too hadn’t sleep well for years. His problem was falling asleep and mine was staying asleep, it has given both of us a much needed great night sleep.” Jill and Jack

“For years I suffered from insomnia caused by menopause and exacerbated by anxiety. In desperation I turned to Big Pharma sleep aids only to end up suffering horrible side effects. Thankfully, I discovered Secret Garden Inspiration’s cannacaps made from CBD Critical Mass. One a night before bed has made my sleeplessness all but disappear and levelled out my anxiety, all with no adverse side effects!” Jen

“I was able to obtain support in relief of aches and pains associated with crohn’s and colitis which (kinda) goes hand in hand with my PTSD associated with my experience in Vietnam. I received a total disability as a result of the above. For the last 10 years or so I developed crohn’s and colitis. The PTSD has been ongoing since 73. I started taking 20mg CBD rich capsules once in the morning and once at night. Within four days my major flare up which had lasted 10 weeks or so, went into total remission.

For those who don’t have crohn’s and/or colitis, it is a miserable disease. The relief of all the systems is a very good reason to rejoice and enjoy life. Being able to get out with family and friends is wonderful with the absence of these painful symptoms. I have now been in remission since I starting taking CBD capsules starting in February 2016. Not only am I in remission, symptom free and able to get out and enjoy life, but relish the knowledge that it is all natural. I have totally done away with all other medications related to these issues. I take only 1 to 1 ratio THC/CBD and would encourage any and all with crohn’s and/or colitis to at least try it. Feel free to call me in person and discuss it with me. I am not at all concerned about people knowing what I have done to help myself.” Mark – 604-317-0752

“I definitely sleep more deeply, rarely waking at night when I have taken a CBD capsule before bed; I feel more rested and ready for my day the next morning.  The aches and pains, particularly just above my joints, that I experience as a combination of aging and fibromyalgia, is significantly reduced when I take the CBD daily, allowing me to exercise more which also helps my fibromyalgia.” Anne

“CBD is a miracle. It helps me with my anxiety so I don’t have the intrusive rushing thoughts. I honestly wish everyone would just try it and see how much of a help it is. When I went to California I wasn’t able to take cbd for three days but even so my anxiety was gone! My social anxiety is gone and I can actually sit in a busy restaurant now without having the sweats and getting anxiety and having to leave. I just love it so much.” 32 year old mother of 3

“Pain, thought, sleep, work, play are all improved by your product. I have not experienced any side effects. I’ll state the ailment, then the improvement. Diabetic nerve pain: temporary 75% relief. Bursitis: (work) 50% relief. Tendonitis (work) 50% relief. Arthritis (just old) neck and right hand 30% relief. Back ache: 50% relief. Headaches: from daily to rarely. Surgical discomfort: adhesion pain, site pain, stitch failure, and told not to work out for two years, tracheotomy left speech painful, swallowing difficult, etc. all relieved with different levels.

General well-being, articulation, sleep, meditation, yoga, appetite, all seem to improve. Jesus, I could go on and on….but the gold star should go to the fact that I discontinued all pain meds, except for Tylenol/aspirin, and associated meds, trazadone ametryptyline, cymbalta, etc. I was on methadone for 1 1/2 yrs; without the CBD/THC, getting off it would have put me in the big rubber room.” Reg

“After 2 days of my daughter taking CBD rich cannabis, she said, ‘so all that cbd does is take the edge of my anxiety. It doesn’t really touch my depression. But I guess without the constant anxiety, I have a clear enough mind to deal with it.’ Tonight, 6 days after starting on the 10:1 cbd she came home from her group therapy class, talking about a new understanding of what had caused her depression in the first place.  And she was using past tense – as if the depression was something in the past!!  It’s amazing. I know there will be ups and downs, but I’ve also never seen anything work so well, so fast.

I’ve always preferred herbal and alternative methods for dealing with my own health issues, but hesitated when it came to my daughter.  Her issues were so much more intense and if I made the wrong choice, the repercussions would be so dramatic, that I chose to be conservative.  It wasn’t until that failed – and we tried for a couple years -that I branched out. Now she is well enough to benefit from psychotherapy and work on some issues, and can now access her own resources because she’s no long incapacitated by anxiety / depression.” Mother of a 20 year old

“The 1.5:1 helps take the edge off my lack of patience. I notice I have a fast reaction when things aren’t working out. When I feel the slight high from the THC I tend to soften and laugh rather than harden and use profanities. I believe I’m in a place where I’m learning to accept “groundlessness” (as Pema would say). As far as sleep goes I am getting more solid sleeps than I had been.” Anon

“I have two senior friends I’m monitoring who have benefited from taking your CBD rich products. Here is what I’ve noticed: A diminutive elder lady of 88 yrs., who for many years suffered daily morning headaches and nausea. Her tiny stature warranted some experimentation to find a working dosage, but she was desperate to eliminate tylenol each morning. She is now happily taking 20mg and has found over the past 3 mos. this dosage dulls the headaches, quells the nausea, and provides a peaceful sleep.

A recent cancer diagnosis has a senior gent taking two 20 mg caps to suppress any chemo reactions over the past 3 mos. Also an acute backache was eliminated by CBD caps, sleep was calm and no morning hangover. Good work Benjamin!”! Mag

“I use 20mg CBD capsules at bedtime because they help me relax and sleep soundly and diminish my stiffness due to arthritis, increasing my mobility. They also help with pain due to Crohn’s disease. An added benefit is that I don’t experience the hot flashes that used to wake me several times during the night.” Dawn

“I found that two 20 mg capsules really helped with the pain (of arthritis), especially for getting to sleep at night. I think the fact that there appear to be no side effects is remarkable enough! I was waking up in pain from the surgery on my arthritic elbow – not bad but enough to keep me awake. Now I’m finding that I sleep through night when I take a capsule, and I think I’m also less anxious about the pain too. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it!” David

“I have been taking both the CBD – Critical Mass capsules from Secret Garden Inspirations (SGI) for about the past year and a half for my Crohn’s Disease. I started getting a major flare up about 3 years ago. I had been taking a few different varieties of cannabis oil for about 6 months, but nothing seemed to have much of an impact.  I even resorted to traditional meds for a short period of time. It was at about 6 months after I decided to stick with CBD rich cannabis oil from SGI that I could determine an impact.  I took one capsule during the day and a two capsules at night. Close to around the 9 month mark I had a CAT scan and it was determined that my Crohn’s was not active anymore at that point.  I then cut back to just one 25 mg capsule at night and I still continue to do that even though I am in remission. 

I do feel that it has been the cannabis oil capsules from SGI that cured my flare up as it is the only “medication” I took during that time. The quality is excellent, service is extremely fast and there is never a question that goes unanswered if you ask. I have recommended this to several people and will continue to do so. Thank you, Ben!” Ronny

“One of the biggest benefits from the CBD overall is that you can experience pain relief and relaxation without getting ‘stoned’. Good for those of us who need /want to be alert and focused. Also… no anxiety side effects. Leah

“It would appear that the CBD resets my sleep pattern. It has reduced my morning leg spasms from MS, maybe by just helping me sleep. I now sleep deeper and longer and it does not make me feel groggy the next day.” D

“You have saved my bacon Ben!  I’m feeling only the occasional flutter of discomfort from withdrawal from Xanax and am taking the 25:1 twice in the day and the other one (1.5 to 1) just before bed, like you suggested.  Your help means so much to me.  I don’t know if you’ve ever had panic/anxiety attack(s)… it can be debilitating.” CB

“After suffering very poor sleep patterns for several years, plus occasional acute pain from soft tissue injuries, I was fed up with using traditional pain relievers and turned to trying SGI’s CBD capsules. They allowed me to sleep soundly, gently suppressing my longstanding habit of micturating in the middle of the night (and subsequently not being able to get back to sleep). The initial dosage of two capsules of Critical Mass was very effective but I found that one capsule of Mango Haze worked just as well in providing a restful sleep, with a bit of a “lighter  touch” for morning wakefulness and focus. I would like to add that Ben’s customer service is exemplary. The quality of SGI’s products is testimony to the care and love that have gone into them.” Alan

“Twelve years ago I had some trauma to my spine where the bones shifted and squeezed my spinal column. I had spinal fusion which corrected the shift and lessened the pain but it was almost a year later so a lot of my nerves in my legs and feet where permanently damaged, especially in my right leg. My balance was affected because of the dead nerves but also because the nerve impulses from my feet where not reaching my brain fast enough. The 1.5 to 1 seems to have increased the speed of the impulses so my balance has improved.

I had some testing done by a neurologist last August before using cbds and she gave me a rather bleak prognosis that I would lose use of my legs over the next few years. She gave no hope of any treatment. I am trying to get tested again later this year to see if the test results will come in improved after several months on cbds. I used to take codeine, morphine and ibuprofen for the pain and to sleep but since using cbds I am not using these drugs at all. I doubt I will be able to windsurf again but I am hoping the neuropathy will stop and reverse slightly with this cbd nerve tonic. Thank you for your dedication to help.” Bill 

“My mom is amazing.  She is 91 years old, lives alone, cooks for herself, (and us kids and grandkids from time to time), still drives, swims daily and is a force to be reckoned with at the bridge table.  She has had her share of health problems over the years, most recently her knee is very arthritic and sore and she has trouble sleeping, awakening multiple times in the night. She has taken sleeping tablets to try and help this with adverse side effects.

She is open to alternative treatments and we suggested she try CBD / THC to see if it would help her sleep.  After a bit of  experimenting with 10:1 and  4:1 CDB / THC she has settled into one 4:1 capsule at night.  She told me she has never slept better, usually having to get up once and only sometimes twice per night. She wakes alert with no drowsiness and has more energy.” Mike

“My name is Dharma Lunde and I have M.S. I was diagnosed 15 years ago. I have numerous symptoms from pain, numbness in limbs, banding, exhaustion, tremors and severe seizures affecting my legs and arms, all the while feeling electrical currents ebb and flow in my body which can build up to an unbearable state before being violently released. I also have balance issues and have struggled with depression. I have used pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors to alleviate said symptoms but the side effects are sometimes just as bad or don’t work for desired effect.

So over the years Ben and the Secret  Garden have shared their knowledge and kindness with me. Their products are very help full to my mental and physical well being. They help greatly to reduce the severity of my symptoms, especially my spasms and tremors which can be scary and some times painful. I also use the products for sleep and anxiety. So I must say from personal experience that his products not only work for me and with me, and with no side effects, is a huge bonus. Considering all things, this is the best thing out there. Thank you Ben and the Secret Garden for your kindness and support.” Dharma

“By my early 50s my work-related stress and related anxiety had become unbearable. I had also developed pain from severe lumbar problems (spondylolisthesis) that surgeries had not helped. Then I learnt that my blood pressure was 190mmHg/140mmHg – and I was already being treated (pharmacologically) for hypertension. In my 60s decided to try to get back control of my health and mind.

 Secret Garden Inspirations helped me significantly. It took some trial and error, trying different ratios of CBD:THC, and different dosages, but I’ve settled on 2 x 20 mg at a 1:1 ratio, evenings only. How is my life improved? Good sleep, and far less anxiety, to start with. But nothing short of miraculous, in my opinion, is the impact on my blood pressure which now averages 130/70. I’ve dropped two of three pharmaceutical medications taken for hypertension, and am down to just one. I’ve also lost unwanted weight gained with my dysregulated endocannabinoid system. And I am clear headed in the daytime, able to manage myself and my work without drama.

CBD:THC has enabled me to cease all other lower back-related prescription pain medications with their undesirable and challenging side effects. I am extremely happy about this result, which Icount as a major success alongside positive effects on sleep, anxiety, and blood pressure.

The endocannabinoid system is amazing. I believe mine was completely derailed from a young age.CBD:THC therapy has stabilised it. For the first time, I feel a real sense of inner stability, or peace. Myhealth is much improved, symptoms of my underlying conditions largely attenuated. As a scientist I tend towards inherent skepticism, but beyond CBD:THC therapy I have no closely competing alternate explanation for my improvements. 

I am grateful to Ben for the measured, systematic way that he approaches his work, and his genuine commitment to helping people. Ben is a veritable resource of information, always researching and keeping current with the literature on the endocannabinoid system and cannabis. He doesn’t make false claims. It is important for me to do business with honorable providers, especially given the flood of shysters concerned with little more than fleecing potential customers seeking the benefits of CBD. I have had only positive experiences with CBD:THC therapy, Ben and SGI.”- Dr. Anonymous – research scientist
